Archival Sites


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)

The website for USHMM serves also as a comprehensive database for Holocaust information and documentation. It is an online companion to the museum in Washington, D.C. as well as a stand-alone research catalogue. The USHMM provides lesson plans, photographs, encyclopedia entries, and other documentation to assist in the study of the Holocaust. Users can access interviews with survivors, official Nazi documents, and other primary sources to reconstruct the past. Educational tools and research guides are offered as well.


Yad Vashem: World Center for Holocaust Research, Education, Documentation and Commemoration

This online database by Yad Vashem assists in researching the Holocaust and European Jewry. Located in Israel and focusing primarily on Jewish history, Yad Vashem provides an interactive research collection. Users can access primary sources, articles, videos, pictures, and educational reference tools as well as museum information and special online exhibitions. Yad Vashem also offers a database of victim’s names for the purpose of familial research and remembrance.


The Ghetto Fighters’ House: Itzhak Katzenelson Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Heritage Museum

The online database of the Ghetto Fighters’ House, also known as the Itzhak Katzenelson Holocaust and Jewish Resistance Heritage Museum, corresponds to the mission of the actual museum in Israel. Established in 1949, this museum provides archival information, testimonies, educational materials, and links to additional resources. The Ghetto Fighters’ House is hailed as the first Holocaust museum in the world and seeks to tell the story of the Holocaust and those who rebuilt their lives afterwards.


Jewish Gen: An Affiliate of the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

Jewish Gen is an online genealogy database aimed at providing resources for those of Jewish ancestry to research and locate family members. Searches include location, name, and other research methods to assist in tracking down those of Jewish origin. This site can prove  invaluable for those looking to locate lost family members in the Holocaust and those seeking to learn more about their cultural and familial history.


International Tracing Service (ITS)

The ITS provides an international center for documentation and research of Nazi persecution of Jewish people and their lives before, during, and after the Holocaust. The archive contains many primary documents from the time period, including records of displaced, missing, and killed Jews. This site provides not only invaluable research material but also allows those of Jewish ancestry to investigate family members and connect them with survivors of the Holocaust. The archives are available to the public and provide an incredibly detailed and comprehensive research source.